Once the target has been lifted, its weight can no longer affect the success of that usage of Sky Drop-even if a lifted target becomes heavier than the threshold, it will not cause Sky Drop to fail. (200 kg) or more cannot be lifted by Sky Drop, causing the move to fail.

In a Rotation Battle, if the target Pokémon is rotated out on the second turn of Sky Drop, the Pokémon will be dropped into their new rotated position and take no damage, while the rotated in Pokémon still gets to attack. If a Pokémon that is the center of attention (due to Follow Me or Rage Powder) is taken into the air by Sky Drop, it will no longer draw moves. Sky Drop is not redirected by the effects of Follow Me or Rage Powder. Sky Drop is unaffected by the Power Herb, and will not consume it. Protect and Detect can guard against the initial use of the move, but the affected Pokémon cannot use any moves (including Protect) while in the air. If a Pokémon locked into a consecutively executed move is brought up with Sky Drop, the Pokémon will discontinue using the move when freed if the move confuses the user due to fatigue upon completion, that will occur now. This can only occur in Double and Triple Battles. In Generation V only, due to a glitch, if Gravity is used while two Pokémon are in the semi-invulnerable state of Sky Drop, Gravity will bring the user of Sky Drop down, but the target of Sky Drop will be stuck unable to move in the semi-invulnerable state, until the effect of Gravity ends, the user of Sky Drop switches out or is knocked out, or the Pokémon affected by Sky Drop is knocked out. If Gravity is used during the semi-invulnerable turn of Sky Drop, the move will be cancelled. Sky Drop cannot be used while Gravity is in effect. Sky Drop will fail if the target is behind a substitute, or if used on a target that is already semi-invulnerable due to moves such as Fly, Bounce, or another Sky Drop. The Ability No Guard or a previously used Lock-On or Mind Reader can still allow moves to hit Pokémon that are in the air. Sky Drop can target allies, but will fail when attempting to perform the move on them. Sky Drop can target non-adjacent Pokémon in Triple Battles. Sky Drop does no damage to Flying-type Pokémon, but it will still pick them up (making them unable to move) on its first turn. The next turn, the target is thrown down and receives damage. While in the air, both the user and the target avoid any move targeted at them (except Gust, Thunder, Twister, Sky Uppercut, Hurricane, or Smack Down). On the turn it is selected, Sky Drop brings the target to the air. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.With its unique space ware™ propulsion system, our space van™ can inject payload in GEO orbit in 4 months - including nanosats and microsats.

Space drop™ manifest includes flights to GTO on various categories of launchers. Spacedrop™ will provide fast and affordable access to GEO: An alternative is to book a dedicated flight on small launcher capable of direct injection to GEO - but these are scarce, not mature, and always very expensive. Transfer from GTO to GEO in a few months requires a powerful propulsion system often incompatible with smaller satellites form factors. Nano and microsats are too small to get to GEO : The challenge for operators is to find a solution to access to GEO with this class of spacecraft. New use cases are emerging to provide services from GEO orbit with satellites below 400kg. Access to LEO orbit is now mainstream for Cubesats, mini and smallsat.